Psychopathy, sometimes considered synonymous with sociopathy, is characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits.

Jason Tereszko is crazy, a psychopath, a fake, a liar and a cheat. Let me tell you why.

I sued Jason through the labour relations board because he had me on paper as an independent contractor while treating me as an employee. Instead of hiring a lawyer, Jason called the police and had me charged for harassment.

All I did was serve him with legal documents as required by the Ontario Labour Relations Board.

Eventually I got the charge withdrawn by the Crown Prosecutor after I laid out an information against Jason for obstructing justice. I’m a reasonable person so I withdrew that information when my charge was gone.

There was a LOT of drama (see the court case document) in terms of this dispute. Jason doesn’t hire people, he gets them to work as independent contractors and then treats them like employees. He even goes as far as telling all of his customers that these people are his employees.

After going to college and taking a course on employment rights, I went after him for my rights. He did not like this and he boarded the crazy train. I had been praised as a great employee before this happened.

He claimed that a hearing via video conference would create the potential for me to access the Board’s technology, compromise the police investigation that appeared to be underway, and launch “a future electronic attack”.

In another instance, he claimed that using Zoom for our hearing would allow the National Security Agency (NSA), the Chinese government, the FBI and others to monitor the proceedings…

He lost… big time. He currently owes $960 in vacation pay and $2500 for damages because of pain and suffering. The reprisals were illegal according to the Employment Standards Act.


It would be advisable to stay away from this person. Jason Tereszko is crazy, a psychopath, a fake, a liar and a cheat. He obstructs justice when it suits him. He has employees charged with harassment for serving legal documents. He thinks the laws of our great country don’t apply to him because his name is in capital letters on his birth certificate.

Just avoid him.

There are also plenty of great options for a top of the line refurbished computer. Don’t buy his bullshit.